IU trident logo for headers Indiana University Bloomington Campus United Way Fund Drive


More than 45,000 households in south central Indiana are in, or one emergency away from, poverty — including 30% of households with children and 43% of senior (65+) households.

Living paycheck to paycheck while hovering at or falling below the poverty line is the reality for 46 percent of families in our region.

No one can tackle these issues alone, but united we can make a meaningful impact.

Your support of United Way helps local people move from poverty to possibility. We need your help, please give today!

United Way of Monroe County is now United Way of South Central Indiana

What a dollar buys

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Whether you give a little or a lot, you make a difference!

When you donate to United Way, over 98% of your gift remains in Monroe, Owen, and Greene counties helping families, friends, neighbors, schoolmates, and co-workers.

At United Way of Monroe County, administrative costs are very low because so many volunteers help to raise and allocate funds.

Our member agencies and initiative partners face difficult times. Resources have decreased as needs have increased. Because of United Way, member agencies can spend less of their own money and energy on fundraising efforts. United Way also offers its members agencies resources, materials, technical support, and professional development opportunities.

Dollar bill image

The Impact of a Dollar

$1/week ($52 annually) provides:
A person beginning a new job bus transportation for one month.
Youth with creative coping supplies to help them properly process the emotions, difficulties, and stressors in their lives and improve their overall mental health.
A child in an after-school program a healthy snack.
Two clients legal advice regarding tenant legal rights and responsibilities, to ensure they are treated fairly and fulfilling their legal obligations.
A person in treatment for substance addiction 40 days of meals.

$2/week ($104 annually) provides:
A family of three with a food pantry access card that will feed each family member for 27 meals.
A semester of classes materials that help people build healthy relationships.
Twenty children annual memberships that provide them opportunity to attend camps and after-school programs.
One person with rent or utility assistance, to keep them in their home or get them off the streets.

$3/week ($156 annually) provides:
A person from a low-income household five new outfits to begin a new job.
Play therapy equipment to programs that help youth express themselves through play and ultimately improve their overall mental health.
The average weekly difference between what a family pays in childcare on sliding fees scale and the true cost of care for their child.
A family who experienced a home fire with one night of emergency housing.

$5/week ($260 annually) provides:
Local people who are HIV+ and living in low-income homes in need of food assistance 130 home-delivered meals.
Parents the opportunity to learn about how they can best provide for their child who may be struggling with mental well-being through parent consults.
A preschool age child with working parents one week of childcare.
Up to 5 people with one day of food and shelter who have experienced a natural disaster or home fire.
Journaling notebooks for at least eight programs designed for at-risk youth, veterans, and individuals recovering from substance use disorder to use for reflecting on what they have learned during their session. ​

$10/week ($520 annually: Young Leader Society Level for those age 40 and under) provides:
One person in need with a full set of dentures to improve confidence, communication skills, independence, and overall hygiene.
Six weeks of family therapy for two families, providing them a safe environment in which to grow and heal holistically.
A semester of transportation to after-school programs and field trips.
A new computer and printer for a community room at a shelter or resource center.
The materials needed for volunteers to build one ADA accessible ramp for people who are homebound.

​$12/week ($624 annually):

Nearly covers the actual cost of one child to attend an after-school programs for one year.

$20/week ($1,040 annually: Vanguard Silver Level) provides:

Ten local seniors who are homebound a home-delivered meal each week.
Ten military family members with a course to help them respond to stress and strain of deployment.
Eleven women with prenatal ultrasounds to inform them of how to care for themselves and their babies.
The costs of preparing an apartment for a new tenant in low-income housing provided for individuals with disabilities.
A trained advocate the support needed to provide care for a vulnerable adult who is incapacitated and needs a legal guardian.

$50/week ($2,600 annually: Vanguard Gold Level) provides:
Eight patients with diabetes medications for one year.
Six full-day campers with scholarships to a program designed for those with disabilities, veterans, senior citizens, and at-risk youth to improve their self-confidence, balance, and motor skills in a therapeutic environment.
Transportation expenses for one semester, ensuring over 300 youth (a day) have safe and reliable transportation from school to after-school programs.
One family with 15 days of food and shelter. This includes breakfast, lunch, and dinner, as well as cots and blankets.
Eight children with weekly fruit in their weekend backpack of food to provide them healthy, nutritious snacks even when they are not at school.

$100/week ($5,200 annually) provides:
A week of utilities, maintenance, and a security system at a shelter that provides people who are experiencing crisis with a safe place to spend the night.
Fun activities 2-4 times per month for community matches at Big Brothers Big Sisters to share, such as playing catch, going to the park, or baking cookies.
One child twelve weeks of therapy, giving them a safe environment in which to express and process their emotions, difficulties, and stressors in their lives.
Rent for an apartment for an adult with a disability who has been experiencing homelessness.

$150/week ($7,000 annually) provides:
Six classrooms with experiments, supplies, and resources for science activities every week.
People with disabilities with assistive technology which helps them communicate their needs and better interact in the workplace.

$200/week ($10,400 annually, Vanguard Benjamin Harrison Level) provides:
Eleven classrooms that emphasizes math, science, and literacy with a new curriculum.
A person with disabilities experiencing long-term homelessness with home and supportive services for a whole year.
People with disabilities residing in a group home with new living room furniture, creating a welcoming space where on-going training in daily living skills and access to professional staff are available.

$500/week ($26,000 annually) provides:
Weekly fuel for vehicles that deliver food to the hungry.