IU trident logo for headers Indiana University Bloomington Campus United Way Fund Drive


More than 45,000 households in south central Indiana are in, or one emergency away from, poverty — including 30% of households with children and 43% of senior (65+) households.

Living paycheck to paycheck while hovering at or falling below the poverty line is the reality for 46 percent of families in our region.

No one can tackle these issues alone, but united we can make a meaningful impact.

Your support of United Way helps local people move from poverty to possibility. We need your help, please give today!

United Way of Monroe County is now United Way of South Central Indiana

Improve our community - give to the annual campaign

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Each fall, the community, local businesses, and organizations join together to raise funds for United Way of Monroe County that will help our community. This annual campaign provides the support United Way and our member agencies need to ensure families have opportunities and everyone can meet basic living needs. You have the power to create great change.

Member agencies and initiative partners are still facing difficult times. Resources have decreased as needs have increased. But because of United Way, member agencies can spend less of their own money and energy on fundraising efforts. United Way also offers its member agencies resources, materials, technical support, and professional development opportunities.

Over 98% of money donated to United Way remains in our area helping families, friends, neighbors, schoolmates, and co-workers.  Currently, 88¢ of every dollar was used for programming.

We need your help to improve people's lives. Please give through payroll deduction or a direct donation. You can decide to be billed later or make recurring gifts through Automatic Bank Withdrawal (ACH) or recurring billing. If your workplace doesn't run a United Way campaign, talk with your manager about starting one. If you'd like ideas for making it successful, contact us at (812) 334-8370.

Whatever method you choose, or whatever amount you choose, your donation to United Way is a gift to the community that will make a difference this year, next year, and well beyond. At United Way, we meet today's critical needs... and do all we can to ensure that people don't face those needs in the future… that they have the education and earnings to be financially stable. We all benefit when our community is stronger. Please give to this year's campaign.

Want to learn more about how you or your group can make a difference in our community by raising funds? Contact Sherrie Shuler at sherrie (at) monroeunitedway.org today!